I ordered a flasher to flash my brake light when I stop. The speed and duration is adjustable with the one that I ordered from electroflasher.com. Cost was $19.
Very easy to tap into the rear stop light. NOT THE RUNNING LIGHTS!
The three wires coming from the flasher are white, red, black. Once you clean off the electrical from the center wires going to the rear brake lamp, you'll see three wires, black/yellow, blue and red.
From the flasher, the black attaches to the black/yellow wire. This is the ground. Just cut enough of the b/y wire cover off to wrap the black around it.
Then cut the blue wire apart: one blue end connects to the red, the other blue end goes to the white. Cover with electrical tape and you are done.
The adjust the flash and durations to your liking.
Next time: GPS adapter and electrical supply.