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post: nature_



Tuesday, August 09, 2011

zx14 oil change


Tuesday- 7 am
zx14 oil change
Time: 30 minutes

Changed the oil and filter on the bike. 13,137 miles.
Last oil change was at 92xx. Oil is Shell Rotella synthetic rated for at least 8k but the gearbox is crying and shifting is getting clunky. Oil filter is the longer, bigger Bosch 3323.

What a difference: quieter, cooler and happier engine. Out of all the oils I've tried, this is by far the best and longest lasting from my experience, and I've gone through 6 different brands.

Valvoline is the worst, giving up the ghost after a couple of weeks!!!

Once the bike is up on the stands, I drag my oil collector pan underneath, grab the old filter with channel locks and loosen it up until it spins off. Undo the oil pan bolt (17mm) and let drain for 5 minutes. Reverse with new filter, pour in 4.8 quarts and replace oil inlet plug. Clean up, put away the tools and I am good to go.

NEXT TIME: Scotts steering dampener

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